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Online Editor

Anda juga dapat menggunakan editor online untuk menulis model dan kebijakan Casbin di browser web Anda. Ini menyediakan fungsionalitas seperti "penyorotan sintaks" dan "penyelesaian kode", seperti IDE untuk bahasa pemrograman.

Use Custom Functions

If you need to use a customized matching function (e.g. "RBAC with Patterns"), you can add it by clicking the "Add Role Matching" button at the bottom left corner of the editor.


Jika Anda ingin menulis kode yang setara, Anda perlu menentukan fungsi pencocokan pola melalui API yang relevan. Lihat RBAC dengan Pola untuk informasi lebih lanjut.


The editor supports multiple Casbin implementations, including Node-Casbin (Node.js), JCasbin (Java), Casbin (Go), and Casbin-rs (Rust). You can switch between different implementations in the upper right corner to test your model and policy.

Although the editor validates through a remote CLI, due to environment differences, the validation results may differ slightly from the results you get in your local environment. If you encounter any issues, please submit them to the corresponding Casbin implementation repository.